Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Could it be...Spring?

I know it is not quite spring and according to the ground hogs across the country we are going to have six more weeks of winter. This February I have found myself looking for signs of spring and have been awe struck and left breathless at times. Nature is stirring ... tiny buds of green on the fruit trees, new growth in the flower bed and look there ... another tiny crocus! The sun was shining and I cleared out the old and cleaned one flower bed. I trimmed a lilac bush...I can't wait till spring and be surrounded by lilacs. I grew up with a large lilac bush and can be taken back to a warm spring night with the scent of lilac drifting in the open windows. Not to mention the mason jars filled with lilacs on every surface in the house. It was the magical Lilac weeks that said spring is here. In my adult life I had a chance to relive the magical lilac spring; the year my mother sold the house I cut every bloom off that lilac bush, or at least as many as could fit in my car. Every surface in my house had lilacs in a mason jar and I delivered a jar to all my friends. I just can't wait for spring. This Lilac bush is out side Julia's window, so she too will have childhood memories of drifting off to sleep on a cloud of lilacs.

New Buds on a Fruit Tree
The green seems so fresh and alive...spring
This tiny crocus has no idea that spring is not yet arrived...anxious like the rest of us!
The Lilac Bush knows we are going to have to wait for spring.
I am watching and waiting for spring, and those magical couple of lilac weeks that will come in the spring.