Today was a beautiful sunny day and it was nice to spend some time watching the chickens. Here are a few of the hens and roosters here on The Thibaudeau Family Farm: Chantecler Hen
Chantecler is the only Canadian Heritage Chicken, developed in Quebec, it is a dual purpose bird with an flat comb which make it a very cold hardy chicken. We have 5 Hens and 2 Roosters. We will breed the Chantecler. Ours are wild and roost in the trees at night. They were always the last breed to go into the coop at night.
Jersey Giant Rooster " Lenny"
Jersey Giants are a very large but gentle Heritage Breed Chicken. We have 8 hens and 2 roosters. We will breed the Jersey Giants. Lenny was one of the first Roosters to crow.
Red Rock Rooster "D Rock"
Red Rock Hen
Red Rock Hen "Medea"
Red Rock is a cross between Heritage Breeds Plymouth Bared Rock and Rhode Island Reds. We got 26 on July 10th as week old chicks. D Rock was the only Rooster mixed in with the layers. Domenic named him D Rock on his first day here. The Black Red Rock is standard of most of the Red Rock "Medea has unusual colouring.
Isa Brown is a commercial layer chicken and we have 12 that we rescued and The Crazy Chicken Lady loves these gentle girls.
Americana (Blue Egg Layer) "The Bearded Lady"
We have 6 Americanas 5 Blue and 1 Black. They are my blue egg layers. Not seeing too many eggs from these girls yet.
Silver Laced Wyandott Hen
We have two Silver Laced hens. This breed is very skidish and do not like to be handled, but they are a very pretty bird.
Chantecler Rooster
Robert and "Brutus"
Crazy Chicken Lady "Suzanne" with "Ruby"
Now you have met some of our chickens. We are expecting to add some different breeds including Buff Orpintons, Rhode Island Reds and more Americanas as day old chick in April.
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