Wednesday, February 17, 2010

“If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck”

Yes, it's a duck. A Muscovy Duck. Our ducks were 4 months old when we got them last July. The ducks are very enjoyable to watch whether they are grazing the lawn for bugs, wading in the creek or scrambling for the bread being thrown as a treat. They seem so fluid in their movements. When you hold a Muscovy Duck they feel just like they look soft as a pillow. Our ducks vary in colours including; black, chocolate, blue, barred and white. We have First Place Blue Ribbon Black Muscovy Ducks; "Black Bob" and "Tanya" both took 1st Place in their class at the Coombs County Fair last August. The ducks know home and like to graze our 4 acres and some times they wander down the drive way following a trail of puddles. Our ducks have always been getting into trouble. Before we clipped their wings they had taken to flying up on top of the roof and roosting. You grow tired of climbing on the roof every day to retrieve 9 ducks pretty quick so we had a wing clipping celebration. It is much easier to catch a duck that can't fly.

This is a perfect spot to sit and relax. The sound of the running water in the creek and it is a favorite water hole for the ducks. One of the first things I did when we moved in was put this chair down by the creek.

Belle and Cocoa

Black Bob
Black Bob and Tanya's Ribbons from the Coombs Fair.
Muscovy Ducks are easy to care for. They are natural breeders and take care of their own ducklings. Tanya has built a nest under this saw horse. She is setting on about 8-10 eggs from what we can see with out disturbing the nest. It takes 35 to 37 days for the eggs to hatch. We are expecting little duckling around March 14th.